Exercise In Pregnancy
Can I exercise in pregnancy?
- Having vaginal bleeding or spotting
- Have low lying placenta
- Weak cervix
- Have previous early or premature delivery
- Premature preterm rupture of membranes (PPROM)
- Threatened or recurrent miscarriages
- History of underlying severe heart disease
- Carrying twins or more
What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy?
- Improve your posture
- Decrease the incidence of back ache and other discomforts such as aches and pains that occur during pregnancy as it promotes muscle tone, strength and endurance
- Reduce constipation and circulation problems
- Improve overall health and reduce fatigue
- Helps you sleep better
- Increase level of energy and improve stamina during labour and delivery
What exercise is suitable during pregnancy?
- Walking is good way to start exercising in pregnancy. Brisk walking gives a total body workout, is cheap and is suitable for everyone.
- Swimming e.g aqua classes.
- Low impact aerobic classes.Yoga. You could try out those antenatal yoga classes.
- Fitball classes
Always make sure that the trainer is fully qualified to teach pregnant ladies!
What type of exercise should I avoid during pregnancy?
- Skiing
- Contact sports
- Scuba diving
- Water skiing
- Horse back riding
What are the general exercise guidelines during pregnancy?
- Listen to your body
- Breathe. Your baby needs air and he/she gets it through you. Don’t exercise until you get very breathless or exhausted.
- It is much more easier to exercise before 24 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, you may need to modify some of the exercises due to your growing belly. Hence, get an exercise trainer who is used to working with the pregnant body.
- Wear comfortable clothes and shoe wear
- Drink plenty of fluid before and after exercise
- Avoid exercise in humid hot weather / condition.
- Avoid rocky terrain or unstable ground to increases your risk of falling
- Avoid weight lifting above your head or using weights that strain your lower back
- Include relaxation and stretching exercise before and after exercise
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