From the Editor : Celebrating the Millennial Moms!

Hey there parents and parents to be!

Welcome to another exciting edition of the Pitter Patter newsletter. Do expect some interesting changes in this and future editions, as we aim to continuously make this newsletter more informative, fun and more importantly… awesome for your reading enjoyment.

So we are approaching Mother’s Day soon. Are you all excited yet? For you new mommies and mommies to be, just because your child is either still a foetus, or too busy crying for a nappy change to realise this monumental day, doesn’t mean you can’t mark it in some ways. Hot tip? Take the day off and let the daddies take care of the work around the house for a change. Trust us, its bound to be better than getting another new piece of jewellery.  Unless of course, you are talking about diamonds. In that case, then swapping household duties with your husband would  probably substitute just half the thrill of getting new jewellery.

Anyway I digress. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, in this edition, we will be taking a look at not just any moms.. but the new super achievers millennial such as yourselves.

Worried about being able to bounce back into shape after delivery? Don’t be.. because you can start from now, as we have some interesting tips on safe fitness and exercise routines during your pregnancy. And hey, while you may indulge in the occasional chocolate sundae on the pre text of eating for two, we also have some great information on what causes such cravings to help you keep them in check. On a more serious note, research indicates that young and older mommies alike are also at risk of hypertension during pregnancy. So in this issue, we will also look at how you can manage or even prevent hypertension before and during pregnancy.

Oh don’t think we have forgotten about the daddies. Psst.. don’t tell your wife, but read on.. we also have the best tips on how you can help her during that “crazy raging hormone” attack. Ok, ok… maybe I am being a tad melodramatic ..but these tips will certainly help you as you prepare for the exciting journey into fatherhood.

So we do hope you enjoy this new and refreshed edition of the Pitter Patter newsletter.

If you feel like you need a refresher course on parenting and taking care of your baby, do keep an eye out on our upcoming forums and events on this newsletter, at our website or even our Facebook

Meanwhile, if you have any questions or would like us to feature any topic of your interest in our upcoming issues, do email us at [email protected]

Happy reading and Happy Mother’s Day!

millennial moms
Your Editor

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