From the Editor : Happy New Year!! Let’s Become Better Shall We?

Hi everyone!

After a rather long hiatus for the holidays, we are back and better than ever! How is everybody doing? Did you enjoy the Christmas and year-end break? Did you go for a nice vacation with your family. Or did you spend it at home reminiscing the good, the bad, the fun and the satisfying things that you did or had happen in your life in 2013?

We hope you managed to catch a break, relax and reflect on all things important during the break and have come back refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges of the coming year. So speaking of facing the new year, did you come up with any new year resolutions? Or if you are not a fan of resolutions because it is so cliche and no one sticks to them, how about thinking of ways to improve yourself in different areas and planning the steps to achieve them? Sounds like a plan you can actually stick to? Well that’s great as resolutions or not, we should all look at ways to continuously improve ourselves.

So with that in mind, welcome to our “Becoming Better Edition” where we share tips on how you can become better parents in the coming year. First, we take a look at ten great physical activities you can do with your kids. What better way to enhance your role as a parent and also bond with your children than to get them to move and keep them physically fit? While we are on the topic of being better parents by keeping your kids healthy, we also share some great alternative cooking tips and techniques for a healthier meal for yourself and your family.

Stepping out of the better parenting theme for a bit but still keeping to our New Year outlook message in this edition, we share some of the latest medical technology breakthroughs in 2013 and how this can impact us in the coming year.

Finally, we believe that in order to become better parents and have your kids grow up emotionally balanced, communications is key. Therefore, in this edition, we also share some great tips on boosting your child’s language skills.

We hope you will enjoy this edition. Do keep an eye out for our coming issues and articles as we too strive to continuously better ourselves at Pitter Patter while bringing you not only the best online content on health, pregnancy, childcare and parenting but also more fun and interactive events and activities in the future.

For more ongoing tips and health information do follow us on Facebook  or visit our website.  Or if you have any questions or feedback, do drop us a line at [email protected]

Have a great 2014 Moms and Dads! See you in our next edition! - New Year funny resolution 2014 wallpaper funny pics


Your Pitter Patter Editor

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