From the Editor : Let’s Celebrate the Month of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

If you are parents, we hope you managed to set some time away from the hustle and bustle of running after your kids to celebrate this beautiful day. Or better yet, maybe you celebrated Valentine’s Day as a family where you express love with your partner and children in different ways.

In any case, love is still in the air for us at Pitter Patter, so we decided to make this issue all about that beautiful four letter word. First up, we share with you some interesting insights on the effects caffeine can have on your love life. So for all you caffeine junkies out there do take note.

Beyond that, well.. we already know that love making is an exercise in itself (and a fun one at that) but did you know that exercising regularly (the normal non bedroom variety) can also improve your love life on so many levels. Want to know why and how? Read on.

Next, we look at the various ways in which love is beneficial to your health. Yes apparently there are scientific studies to support this. And finally, we explore the dynamics of communications between you and your children, in an article on children and the language of love.

We hope this edition will give you the reasons to get all loved up with your partner and children. And if you are looking for more great articles and content, do check out our Facebook page or website. Or if you have any questions do drop us a line at [email protected].

Have a great celebration of love everyone!

We love you too! Always! 🙂


 Your Pitter Patter Editor

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