From the Editor : Welcome to our Beautiful Mind Edition!

Hi there fabulous Moms and Dads,


We have come to the end of June. Hope you and your family are in the pink of health in spite of the recent haze. So… tell us, did you go to the doctor to get some medication? Did you walk around with a mask? Or did you just stay at home and rode the haze out?

Regardless, the haze is over! Yay! Welcome back blue skies.. oh how we’ve missed you!

This coming July we are doing something a little bit different. Instead of just talking about your physical health and that of your child’s.. this edition, we will be talking about the other kind of health; mental.

Over the years, there is a lot of stigma attached to mental health and development. In Malaysia in particular, one cannot start a conversation about mental health without immediately associating it with going nuts or crazy.

Nevertheless, mental health and development is not just about mental illness and diseases such as schizophrenia or bipolar. It ranges from post partum depression to managing Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and even overcoming learning disabilities like dyslexia in your child.

In this issue, we shall look at some of these mental health related issues. These include understanding and overcoming post partum depression in new mothers and learning about ADHD in your child. On a brighter note, we shall also look at the top brain food to feed your kids to ensure their strong mental growth and development.

Besides that, we all know about how exercise is the best way for you to not only bounce back into shape after delivery but to also prevent a lot of weight related diseases. But did you know that exercise is also great for your mental health? In this issue we will also be looking at the top ten mental health benefits of exercise.

Hope you will enjoy the read. Do look out for more interesting articles and activities on our website and our Facebook page.

In the meantime, take care of yourselves and here’s wishing you the best of health; physically, emotionally and.. mentally.

 “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”- Plutarch




Your Pitter Patter Editor




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