From the Editor : Welcome to the Green@ Back to Nature Edition

Hi everyone,

We hope that you have been having a great month so far. We have come to another great edition of the Pitter Patter newsletter for you this time around. Its coming up to April already (more than four months into 2014!!). Time sure flies. It feels just like yesterday we were ushering in the new year.

Anyway, we hope your year has been fantastic so far and in conjunction with the previously celebrated Earth Hour and the upcoming Earth Day next month, we find it apt to make this issue our Green aka Back to Nature edition.

For starters, we share with you some great health benefits of switching to organic baby food for your child. And the best part, its not difficult at all to go organic. Next there are some great insights on how and why you should be encouraging your kids to go outdoors and experience nature as opposed to playing the latest games on your iPad or their Xbox.

Beyond that, we all know that processed foods contribute significantly to causing cancer, so in this issue we will also share more on cancer and pregnancy and what you should be mindful of to prevent or manage the onset of this disease while you are pregnant.

Finally, we all know that at times it is almost impossible to get kids to eat their veggies. So what can you do? Fear not moms and dads as we will also be sharing four great tips on how you can get your kids to eat veggies even when they don’t realise it.

So there you have it moms and dads. We hope you love this issue. For more updates and exciting content do do check out our Facebook page or website. Or if you have any questions do drop us a line at [email protected].

Enjoy going back to nature everyone and we shall see you soon.

family in nature


Your Pitter Patter Editor

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