1. What is a pre-conception visit?
This is where you and your partner make an appointment with your obstetrician or gynaecologist prior to getting pregnant. Preferably this visit takes place 3 months before you plan to get pregnant. During this visit, a discussion regarding several issues will be done to map out your personal plan on how to conceive and achieve a healthy pregnancy.
2. What are some of the issues that will be discussed during the preconception visit?
During the preconception visit, there are several checklists that your doctor will go through with you and your partner. This check list is outlined below:
a. Plan regarding starting a family.
Answer any questions regarding fertility, getting pregnant and pregnancy. √
b. Pre-existing medical condition especially for the mom-to-be
bowel disease)
It is important to identify any medical condition, ensure the disease is √
well-control, review any medications and refer to the appropriate
specialist if required.
c. Inherited genetic condition
Any family history such as
thalassaemia, sickle cell disease or
birth defects should be informed to the doctor. Referral to genetic √
counselor may be required.
d. Reproductive history
This includes history of previously acquired sexually transmitted √
subfertility and also relevant past obstetric history
(complications or miscarriages)
e. Immunisation history
Immunisation for disease such as rubella and chicken pox will be
enquired as these infection could cause fetal anomaly if exposed √
during pregnancy. Vaccination is recommended 3 months prior
to pregnancy if you are not immune.
f. Nutrition
Folic acid supplementation will be recommended by your doctor
pre-pregnancy to reduce risk of spina bifida in your baby. A healthy √
and balanced diet will be emphasized.
g. Weight
Is is important to achieve your ideal weight before pregnancy. If you
are overweight or obese, it will be a good idea to loose those extra √
h. Lifestyle issues
It is recommended that you stop smoking, drinking alcohol and abstain √
from taking any recreational drugs prior to pregnancy.
Preconception visit will be the first step towards ensuring you have a healthy start for your pregnancy!
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