Vaginal discharge
Is it more common to have vaginal discharge during pregnancy?
- Tell your doctor about it so that further investigation could be done to determine the cause and exclude any possible dangerous infections.
- Do not insert a tampon into your vagina as it could introduce infection.
- Wear a panty liner if the vaginal discharge is excessive.
- Do no douche as it might upset your normal vaginal flora and further introduce infection.
- Do not self treat yourself without letting your doctor know first.
- Keep your genitals clean, wipe with tissue from front to the back to avoid any bacteria from the anus being introduce to the vagina.
- Do not use any deodorant or perfume at your genitals.
- Use cotton panties instead of tight nylon.
- Leukorrhoea
- Vaginal candidiasis: This is a common fungal infection. The discharge tends to be curdy-like whitish discharge and often associated with itchiness.
- Mucous plug : This is a cervical secretion that fills up your cervix. If you go into labour, your cervix would soften and dilate, expelling this mucous plug which looks like egg white.
- Leaking liquor:There is a possibility that your water bag has ruptured and you are leaking. Suspect this especially if the vaginal discharge is clear, watery and a lot in amount.
- Vaginal infection: This is a possibility especially if the discharge is yellowish, greenish and foul-smelling. It could be either a bacterial infection (e.g bacterial vaginosis or Group B streptococcus) or sexually transmitted disease.
As it may be difficult to determine the cause of the vaginal discharge by your self, seek medical treatment.
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