week 10
What is happening to my Baby?

- Plan to see your doctor to discuss regarding further antenatal test to could be done to screen for fetal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome. You should consider doing this if you are more than 35 years old or have a family history of fetal abnormalities. First trimester screening for Down syndrome includes having a scan (nuchal translucency) and a blood test. This screening test is usually done from 11 – 13 + 6 days of pregnancy. In addition, a chorionic villus sampling could also be done to screen for genetic abnormalities in your baby. Talk to your doctor about these tests.
- Discuss with you partner regarding the timing to announce your pregnancy to your close family members and friends.
- Rest and sleep as much as possible
- Do things that makes you happy e.g shopping, watching movies or having a facial
- Talk to your close friends about it
- Tell your partner and ask for his support.
- Appreciate and celebrate the good things that you have in your life.
- If you find it too much to deal with, talk to your doctor about it.