week 12
What is happening to my Baby?
- Take a good look at your skin care regime and cosmetics. If you have problems with acne, talk to your doctor or go to the nearby pharmacist. Be sure to let them know that you are pregnant.
- Check your wardrobe especially if this is not your first pregnancy. You may need to change your wardrobe to replace it with maternity clothes.
- Cleanse your skin with suitable cleanser for your skin. Do not be overzealous with your cleaning. Twice / day should do as doing more than this could lead to drying of your skin and more oil with be secreted by the glands in your skin.
- Keep your hands off your face
- Do not squeeze your zit!
- Do not forget to moisturize your skin
- Use suitable acne medication on the acne for e.g containing benzoyl peroxide. Avoid those containing salicylic acid. Topical antibiotic such as erythromycin is safe during pregnancy if you are not allergic to it.
- Do not use products containing Retin-A, Accutane and the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy.
- Drink a lot of fluid
- Eat a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.