week 23

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby continues to grow this week. Fat tissue slowly builds up beneath the skin. His or her face and body gradually resemble a newborn. The baby’s pancreas continues to develop secreting the hormone insulin which deals with sugar metabolism. At this stage, your baby is approximately 20cm in length and weighs 455gm.
What is happening to me?
You are gradually putting on weight. By now, you may have gain 4 – 7kg in weight. Just smile and relax if there are any unwelcome comments on your appearance or weight gain. In addition, due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, you may notice your gums gets swollen and easily bleeds. You may need to take note of your dental hygiene during pregnancy.
What should I plan this week?
  • Visit your dentist to have a teeth check up
  • Discuss with your partner regarding child care after delivery.
Tips of the week
Tips on taking care of your teeth during pregnancy:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day
  • Use a soft bristle brush as your gums may be swollen, sensitive and bleeds easily.
  • Pay your dentist a visit. Make sure he knows you are pregnant. Dental works is recommended during the later-half of the second trimester of the pregnancy. Preventative dental work such as annual checkup and cleaning is safe and recommended during pregnancy. Defer other elective procedures such as teeth whitening after delivery. Avoid having dental X-rays during pregnancy.
  • Eat a balanced and healthy diet
Health matter
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