What is happening to my baby?
Your baby now measures approximately 27cm and weighs 1.2 – 1.4kg. He or she now occupy most of the space in the cavity of the uterus. As the space becomes less, the baby will somersault less. The brain and eyes continue to develop and mature.
What is happening to me?
You will feel more tired than usual. This is perhaps due to the extra weight you have to carry around and difficulty in sleeping at night. You need to find which sleep position makes you comfortable enough to have a good night sleep.
What should I plan this week?
- Check your Hepatitis B status level. If this has not been checked talk to your doctor about it as it has implications to your baby.
- Examine your sleep pattern. How do you feel when you get up in the morning? Totally refreshed or still exhausted?
Tips of the week
Getting a good night sleep during pregnancy:
- Experiment on different positions of sleeping
- You could perhaps try a different mattress or buy a body pillow to provide more support during sleeping
- Before sleeping try some relaxation exercises, read a book or drink some warm milk
- Take a short cat nap during the day
- Reduce any stresses during the day. You could write it in your journal with planned actions to tackle the problem at hand may help reduce your stress.
- Exercise during the day
Health matters
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