week 32

What is happening to my baby?
Your baby is continuing to grow and maturing. The brain, lungs and gut is also maturing. The bones in your baby are fully formed but still soft and pliable. At this stage, your baby measures about 42 cm and weight 1.7kg.
What is happening to me?
The top of your uterus is now 5 inches above your belly button. The growing baby and uterus may cause you to feel breathless now and then. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes the number of breaths per minute does not actually change much there is a significant amount of air you breath in. There is a heightened awareness of the need to breath. In addition, the enlarging womb puts some pressure upwards.
In some women, they would notice an increase swelling of the legs at the end of the day. Do take note if you notice an increased in swelling of your hands and face especially there is also associated headache. This could be a sign of raising blood pressure. See you doctor immediately.
What should I plan this week?
  • Schedule visit with your doctor. Note your blood pressure and presence or absence of protein in your urine. Talk to your doctor regarding high blood pressure in pregnancy and things to look out for.
  • Add in your journal
  • Start talking to your partner regarding your baby’s name
Tips this week
Tips to deal with breathlessness during pregnancy:
  • Do not panic. Relax, sit up straight and keep your shoulder back to give more room for your lungs to expand and then take a few deep breaths in and out
  • Gently massage the diaphragm, the muscle beneath your rib cage to promote easier breathing
  • If you were exercising when this happens, stop and rest for a few minutes
  • Learn yoga breathing to help you cope with the breathlessness
  • If it persists or worsens see your doctor especially if you have fever, coughing or underlying asthma
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