What is happening to my Baby?
This week will be a busy one for your baby. It is the beginning of the embryonic period (week 6 – 10) where all your baby’s important organs will start to develop. It is during this period that your baby will be sensitive to any negative factors such as alcohol, nicotine or other chemicals. Your baby’s nose, jaw and lung will start to form. Even it’s little fingers and toes will start to grow too! The baby’s heart could also be seen if an ultrasound it done at your doctors’ clinic. At this stage, your baby is no longer than 2-4mm in size. Your doctor could measure your baby’s CRL (crown rump length) i.e the measurement from the top of the head to the rump during the ultrasound.
What is happening to me?
You may start to notice other symptoms such as morning sickness. More than 50% of pregnant women will experience this. Unfortunately, the nausea and vomitting could happen at any time of the day. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition in pregnancy whereby your morning sickness is severe causing you unabled to eat or drink anything leading to dehydration. You may need to see your doctor who will given you some medication to reduce the nausea and vomiting. However, if you are very dehydrated, you may be asked to be admitted to the hospital. Some women will notice certain things or smell makes the nausea and vomitting worse. For instance certain food or cooking even in some women the smell of their partner! Take notice of what these things are and try to avoid them if possible.
What should I plan this week?
- Plan your first antenatal visit with your doctor. At this stage your doctor will confirm your due dates either by your last menstrual date or ultrasound if you are not sure of your last period. You could even see your baby’s heart beat on the ultrasound scan. Other health checks will also be done including checking your blood pressure and your urine for sugar or protein.
- Blood investigation will be done to check for blood type, your haemoglobin level and screen for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis. You would be able to detect any anaemia. It is important to know your blood group i.e A, B, AB or O and Rhesus type either positive or negative. The Rhesus factor is determine by the type of protein on the surface of their red blood cells. Majority of women are Rhesus positive. Being Rhesus negative may have implications to your pregnancy especially in the future if your partner is Rhesus positive.
Tips of the week
Coping with morning sickness:
- Eat small but frequent meals
- Consider changing your toothpaste!
- Drink ½ hour before and after meals not during meals
- Avoid spicy and oily foods
- Sniff lemons or ginger
- Get some help with the cooking if this make your morning sickness worse
- Drink lemonade
- Eat some salty potato chips to settle down the stomach
- Eat dry crackers early in the morning when you wake up
- Get some anti-nausea medication from your doctor. It is safe to take during pregnancy.
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